
Good air quality in schools, achieved through ventilation and air purification, is essential for the health of students and teachers. It prevents the spread of infectious diseases, improves learning performance, and reduces class absences. Unfortunately, neither the government nor the education sector provides a transparent overview of schools with clean indoor air. As a result, parents cannot easily take this into account when choosing a school for their children. That needs to change. That’s why Scholen Veilig (Safe Schools) took the initiative in April 2024 to launch the Clean Air Schools Map. But to make the map complete and up to date, we need your help. Nominate schools with well-maintained ventilation using the form below to secure them a spot on the map!

School without clean air? Find guidance on optimal ventilation at RuimteOK:  

Register a school with clean air:

EThere are no mandatory fields. You can also just paste a weblink. 

Programma van Eisen Frisse Scholen 2021 Pdf
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